About Me and CapyBot

About Me

I'm a full-stack software developer, coding disord bots and websites in my spare time. I enjoy working with Node.js, Python, HTML and CSS. I'm also a fan of the Discord API and the Discord.js library. Sometimes I run into the problem of not being able to come up with design ideas, but I'm always trying to improve. I prefer to work on backend code, but I'm also decent at frontend development.

About CapyBot

CapyBot is a Discord bot that I've been working on for a while. Capy is a multi-purpose bot that can do a lot of things like translate text, create polls and raffles, look up IP addresses, draw captions on your images, send you reminders and much much more.

Why would you want to use CapyBot?

CapyBot gives you the ability to directly request features, any time, any place. You can also get the latest updates on the bot and the website. If your feature request is accepted, you'll be notified and the feature will be added to the bot. You can request a feature by sending me a message on Discord or using the /ticket command.